Phillip Bindeman

South Korea’s demographic decline is creating an advanced robotic future

South Korea has progressed immensely in infrastructure since the 1970s. Technological companies such as LG and Samsung and other hi-tech chaebols have shaped the modern economy of the country: bringing massive economic prosperity to the country on the brinks of poverty half a century earlier and establishing a technological edge in semiconductors, displays, and mobile phones. Some of these innovations have brought one of the highest life expectancies to the country: 82.5 years and have ...

The effects of repealing net neutrality

Ajit Pai, FCC chairman appointed by Donald Trump and supporter of repealing net neutrality has played a substantial role in leading the agency to repeal net neutrality in 2017. The ABC article, Net Neutrality Vote’s Major Players outlines some of the other major players are the five members of the commission who repealed the bill with their 3-2 vote in favor of abandoning net neutrality established in 2015 and Tom Wheeler, the former chairman of the FCC during the Obama Administration who ...

Are streaming services compensating artists fairly?

Taylor Swift, U2, and 120 other artists signed an open letter calling on lawmakers to reform the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, or DMCA, according to the article titled, The Music Industry’s New War is About So Much More Than Copyright. Further, this open letter targets ad-supported streaming as a major hurdle for artists, the letter specifically ‘takes aim at “Section 512 of the law, which gives user-generated content platforms “safe harbor’ from liabilities related to copyright ...

Rights vs. Emerging Gig Economy

In 2012 Christopher Otey, an Astoria resident from Oregon sued Crowdflower for violating the Fair Labor Standards Act on the basis that the company paid less than the $7.25 minimum wage to employees. He used Crowdflower as a full-time position since he could not find work. According to the article Tech Company CrowdFlower Denies Labor Violation, Companies like Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and Crowdflower allows users to complete “minute, repetitive tasks that are too subjective and subtle for ...

What is good design?

Good design is innovative, useful, aesthetic, honest, and understandable. It is also unobtrusive, thorough, and “as little design as possible.” These principles sound twenty-first century. And they are. But they were articulated by a man who began his career in 1957, Dieter Rams. A visionary German designer, Rams may be best known for his elegant and minimal products such as the Braun Juicer, a revelation in 1972. His 1959 TP1 Radio/phono combination is eerily similar to the first ...

Artist Statement

Birch trees swayed in the gentle breeze, casting long shadows on the colorful wooden houses that were coming to life after a long, cold winter. Earlier, we had dug up trash from a dump by the pond and buried it in the sandpile by Igor’s dacha. Then we lit a fire in a rusty barrel and melted old plastic toys—typical pastimes for kids with too much free time on their hands in rural Russia. Earlier, we had played dodgeball on the beat-up road, and now we were looking for a way to retrieve the ...

Uniting Differences

Last summer, I spent two weeks as an interpreter for the US-Russia Peer-to-Peer Program in the southern Muslim-majority region of Karachaevo-Cherkesiа in Arkhyz. The program united University of Oregon and North-Caucasus Federal University students in a cultural exchange of ideas about civil society and healthy life choices for youth in both countries. Together, we toured Russia’s modest, but developing, civil society scene. It was my job to translate museum tours, student lectures, ...